FGT-D16,Dual-compartments bed head panel, Aluminium, OEM, Low Price

Deskribapen laburra:

FGTDual compartments design, separate the gas and electrical supply, increasing the safety factor. Can be equipped with railing, in order to bring more convenience to the nurse and patient. Compatible to the nurse call system at the nursing station. Integral manufacture process, easy to install and fulfill the beauty coordination of the ward.

  • MOQ: ≥200m
  • Manufacture Capacity: 1000m/month
  • Port: SHANGHAI
  • Trading Terms: T/T, L/C
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    Produktuen Tags

    1. Aluminum Alloy material, gainazal spray tratamendua, ederra, higadura-erresistentzia;

    2. bikoitza barrunbean egitura;

    3. Gas azal gardena hautsa saihesteko Terminal;

    4. Zirkuitua gas bereizketa mota kanalean bikoitza, seguru eta fidagarria;

    5. Erraza instalazioa eta mantenimendua;

    6. kolorez Ekipamendua pertsonalizatu egin daiteke;

    7. tracheal TUBE% 100 aire tightness proba.

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